Welcome to the Castillo Vardaro Lab. Our research combines field and molecular genetics approaches to address questions in evolution, ecology, and wildlife conservation biology.
Dr. Jessica Castillo Vardaro joined the faculty at San Jose State University in January 2019. Learn more about us by checking out the lab news, research, and position openings.
The Castillo Vardaro Lab reaffirms our commitment to serving all our students, while acknowledging that our intersectional identities and lived experiences impact all aspects of our lives. We acknowledge the existence of historical and ongoing structural barriers that disproportionately impact people from underrepresented backgrounds. This is particularly true in STEM fields. We will not compromise our core values, as described in our Mission Statement, below.
Jessica Castillo Vardaro, February 2025
Lab Mission Statement
The mission of the Castillo Vardaro Molecular Ecology & Urban Wildlife Lab is to conduct high-quality research that improves wildlife conservation outcomes while empowering students towards self-actualization as scientists. In doing so, we aim to create a welcoming environment that encourages Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. We value community and aim to broaden participation in science to include those underrepresented due to race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexuality, ability, immigration status, and/or socioeconomic status. We acknowledge that a diversity of skills, thought, and life experiences increases our ability to solve problems by bringing unique perspectives to the table. We prioritize the well being of our lab members and strive to support each others’ physical and mental health through mutual respect. As a team, we work collaboratively to achieve our goals. We recognize that living up to these goals requires effort and that we are continually learning and reflecting. Just as when experiments or procedures fail in the lab, when we fail to live up to these goals, we pledge to listen with an open mind, learn, and change our behavior accordingly.